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This year’s Hard Bat Competition will be held on Tuesday the 27th of August at Worksop Leisure Centre with a 7.00pm start.
The competition is open to any player that has a current Table Tennis England Player Licence and has also paid their Worksop League Registration fee for the upcoming season.
To enter please e-mail [email protected]
This year’s Hard Bat Competition will be held on Tuesday the 27th of August at Worksop Leisure Centre with a 7.00pm start.
The competition is open to any player that has a current Table Tennis England Player Licence and has also paid their Worksop League Registration fee for the upcoming season.
To enter please e-mail [email protected]
The new season will start on week commencing the 2nd of September with three divisions comprising of 7 teams in each.
Teams will play each other three times over the course of the season which is the reason for starting the season a week earlier than usual.
I will get the fixtures on the website over the next couple of weeks and the Handbooks will be ready to collect on the night of the Hard Bat Competition which this year is on Tuesday the 27th of August at Worksop Leisure Centre.
Can I remind all players that you MUST have a valid Table Tennis England Player Licence to play any matches in the Worksop League including the Hard Bat Competition.
The new season will start on week commencing the 2nd of September with three divisions comprising of 7 teams in each.
Teams will play each other three times over the course of the season which is the reason for starting the season a week earlier than usual.
I will get the fixtures on the website over the next couple of weeks and the Handbooks will be ready to collect on the night of the Hard Bat Competition which this year is on Tuesday the 27th of August at Worksop Leisure Centre.
Can I remind all players that you MUST have a valid Table Tennis England Player Licence to play any matches in the Worksop League including the Hard Bat Competition.
The first two semi-finalists for the Summer League are now known after the last round of group matches in the Mike Tunningley division.
Both The Forever Hopefuls and The Quiet Ones have qualified from their division for the semi-finals to be held at Worksop Leisure Centre on Tuesday the 20th of August at 7.00pm
The first two semi-finalists for the Summer League are now known after the last round of group matches in the Mike Tunningley division.
Both The Forever Hopefuls and The Quiet Ones have qualified from their division for the semi-finals to be held at Worksop Leisure Centre on Tuesday the 20th of August at 7.00pm
Once again there will be no League Formation Meeting to register teams for the upcoming season.
All you need to do is e-mail myself with the details of your team to [email protected] or you can of course still fill out a registration form and post it to my home address (please ask for a form if required.
The details I require for each team are as follows:
Team Name
Team Captain and contact details
Player Names plus TTE Number
Home Playing Night
An important reminder for all teams is that you MUST have paid your registration money to the league before you play a match so therefore I am asking each player to either make sure that they pay their team captain the money so they can then arrange to pay them either to myself via cash or pay them directly into the leagues bank account electronically but either way the league needs to have received them by the time the season starts in September.
Any games won by players who have not paid before they play a match will not count.
In addition to the above you MUST also pay any outstanding fines from last season before teams can play (details of all the fines from last season can be found on the Fines page on the leagues website).
Teams can of course register their team with me and then pay after and the cut off point for team registrations is Saturday the 10th of August.
Please find below details of the costs for player registrations for next season for the Worksop League along with the bank details if anyone wants to pay electronically.
Worksop & District Table Tennis League
Yorkshire Bank
Account No: 54563791
Sort Code: 05-09-89
If paying into the league's bank account can you please make sure that if it's for a single player then use the players name as reference or if it's for the whole team then please put the teams name as reference.
£21.00 for Adults and £11.00 for Juniors and Senior Citizens.
Just for clarity, to qualify for the reduced cost of £11.00 for Senior Citizens then a player must be aged 65 or over before the season commences which is likeley going to be to be week commencing the 9th of September.
Once again there will be no League Formation Meeting to register teams for the upcoming season.
All you need to do is e-mail myself with the details of your team to [email protected] or you can of course still fill out a registration form and post it to my home address (please ask for a form if required.
The details I require for each team are as follows:
Team Name
Team Captain and contact details
Player Names plus TTE Number
Home Playing Night
An important reminder for all teams is that you MUST have paid your registration money to the league before you play a match so therefore I am asking each player to either make sure that they pay their team captain the money so they can then arrange to pay them either to myself via cash or pay them directly into the leagues bank account electronically but either way the league needs to have received them by the time the season starts in September.
Any games won by players who have not paid before they play a match will not count.
In addition to the above you MUST also pay any outstanding fines from last season before teams can play (details of all the fines from last season can be found on the Fines page on the leagues website).
Teams can of course register their team with me and then pay after and the cut off point for team registrations is Saturday the 10th of August.
Please find below details of the costs for player registrations for next season for the Worksop League along with the bank details if anyone wants to pay electronically.
Worksop & District Table Tennis League
Yorkshire Bank
Account No: 54563791
Sort Code: 05-09-89
If paying into the league's bank account can you please make sure that if it's for a single player then use the players name as reference or if it's for the whole team then please put the teams name as reference.
£21.00 for Adults and £11.00 for Juniors and Senior Citizens.
Just for clarity, to qualify for the reduced cost of £11.00 for Senior Citizens then a player must be aged 65 or over before the season commences which is likeley going to be to be week commencing the 9th of September.
Just thought I would give everyone an update in regards to an item that was minuted at our recent AGM.
It was agreed at our AGM that the Worksop League would vote at Table Tennis England’s AGM for a reduction in the Table Tennis England Individual Membership from £16.00 to £9.00 to allow us to pay the £7.00 difference per player to Table Tennis 365 to be able to continue to use their results/fixtures/league tables and averages etc. in our website.
The above wasn’t passed at Table Tennis England’s AGM so we will now pay the £7.00 per player to Table Tennis 365 out of each players individual Worksop League Registration fee as agreed at our AGM in July.
As also agreed we will keep the Table Tennis 365 system within our website for a season which will give us time to review Table Tennis England’s own new platform that is currently being developed.
This will allow us to make a more informative and definitive decision on both systems at the end of the new season.
Just thought I would give everyone an update in regards to an item that was minuted at our recent AGM.
It was agreed at our AGM that the Worksop League would vote at Table Tennis England’s AGM for a reduction in the Table Tennis England Individual Membership from £16.00 to £9.00 to allow us to pay the £7.00 difference per player to Table Tennis 365 to be able to continue to use their results/fixtures/league tables and averages etc. in our website.
The above wasn’t passed at Table Tennis England’s AGM so we will now pay the £7.00 per player to Table Tennis 365 out of each players individual Worksop League Registration fee as agreed at our AGM in July.
As also agreed we will keep the Table Tennis 365 system within our website for a season which will give us time to review Table Tennis England’s own new platform that is currently being developed.
This will allow us to make a more informative and definitive decision on both systems at the end of the new season.