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The 2nd Finals Night and Masters Competition which have been held over from last season will both be played in October with a date to be announced.

Just thought I would keep everyone up to date with the League's plans for starting to play table tennis again.
In regards to actually starting the league season, we have no plans to start the league season until October at the earliest, even if permission is given from the Government and Table Tennis England.
If players and clubs want to start to practice from the 25th of July then that is up to individuals and clubs themselves, again guided by the advice from Table Tennis England which can be found on their website and is updated regularly.
A further e-mail will be sent out in early August inviting teams to register for the new season so that we are in a position to start if the go ahead is given.

Thank you to everyone who took the time out to vote on the AGM proposals that were sent out via e-mail.
26 people replied and below are the results of the voting:

Rule Amendment – Rule 8b. Please vote Option 1, 2 or3
Review the scoring system of 3 points for a win and 1 point for a draw 
Option 1 - remain as is received 5 votes
Option 2 - 1 point for each game won, so therefore you win 8-2 you get 8 points and the opposition get 2 received 18 votes
Option 3 – There would be 4 points available per match and would be split accordingly
Win 10-0, 9-1, 8-2 - Winner team gets 4 points, losing team get 0, Win 7-3 & 6-4 - Winner gets 3 points, losing team get 1, Draw 5-5 - Both teams get 2 points each received 3 votes
Please note that whichever of the three proposals is carried forward it may well be the case that because of the Covid 19 social distancing there may be no doubles played in matches so a draw will not be possible unless a team turns up with 2 players and rule 7f will then come into force.
Option 2 carried forward

Rule Amendment – 6b. Please vote Yes or No
Playing Up In A Higher Division
To change from 4 times to 10 times before being tied to the higher team.
Yes received 16 votes
No received 8 votes
people didn't vote
Playing up 10 times carried forward

League Registration Fees 2020/21 – Please vote Yes or No
Due to the fact that the League haven't spent money on equipment this year, mainly due to the Covid 19 situation, the proposal is to waiver the Worksop League Registration fee for the 2020/21 season as we have the funds to do so.
Yes received 22 votes
No received 1 vote
3 people didn't vote
League Registration wavered for 2020-21 season carried forward

Presentation Night – Please vote Yes or No
The proposal is to present trophies for the 2019/20 season and the 2020/21 season on the same night next May. There would be no quiz or raffle but there would still be a hot buffet.
Yes received 23 votes
people didn't vote
Two Presentation Nights on one night carried forward

Election Of League Officials – Please vote Yes or No
It is proposed to re-elect all the current Committee Members en bloc.
Yes received 22 votes
1 person abstained
3 people didn't vote
Committee re-elected en bloc

Mark Bloomer has asked if we can still play the Finals of all the Cup Competitions before the start of next season.
The Committee had already agreed to hold the 2nd Finals Night and The Masters Competition but the Divisional Trophy and Mike Tunningley Shield competitions will not be played.

Our appeal for more people to join the Committee to help out fell on deaf ears I'm afraid and not to put it too bluntly, many of our Committee Members have done a fabulous job over the many years they have been involved but they aren't getting any younger and we NEED more people to come forward as more and more is being put on the current committee members and they can only do so much so if you can spare a few hours once a month then please do e-mail me as our league doesn't run itself!


A reminder that tomorrow is the last date that players can vote on the proposals for this year's AGM that I e-mailed out two weeks ago.


The proposals for this year's AGM have now been e-mailed out to players.
If you aren't currently receiving e-mails from the Worksop League then please e-mail [email protected] and I will send them to you 


Just a quick update on trophies for the 2019/2020 season.
If there are any players that have won a trophy this season that DOES NOT wish to receive it then can you please let me know by e-mailing me at [email protected]  
Can I ask that players do so by Tuesday the 9th of June please.
If no e-mail is received then we will assume that players would like a trophy and one will be provided.

I trust this web update finds you all safe and well during these difficult times.
This year's AGM, which was cancelled due to the issues surrounding the Covid 19 outbreak will be conducted via e-mail.
With this in mind can I ask that if anyone has a proposal that they would like to put forward at the AGM then can you please do so via e-mail before the 16th of June.
After this time I will then send any proposed rule changes or proposals out via e-mail for players to vote upon.
Please note that you will have to have been registered with the Worksop league for the 2019-2020 season to be able to vote.
Part of the AGM each year has an open Question and Answer section where players can ask any question about any league matters that they want, if anyone would like to ask a question to the Committee then again please do so by the 16th of June.
The e-mail address to send to is [email protected] 

Coronavirus Update
After the Governments advice earlier this evening that everyone should avoid social contact with others and stop non essential travel, it was decided at tonight's Committee meeting that the League season for 2019/2020 shall finish with immediate effect.
There will be no suspension of the fixtures until later in the year and all the teams positions in the league tables shall stand as they are and be recorded in the League's history as such.
The second Finals Night that is scheduled for the 24th of March will be postponed and re-arranged for later in the year possibly in early September when things get back to normal.
The same will apply to the Masters Finals Night.
Our Presentation Night that is scheduled for May is also postponed until further notice and depending on further developments, may not go ahead at all.
Our AGM which is scheduled for May is also postponed and again a new date will be set for it in due course.
The outstanding Cup Competitions such as The Mike Tunningley Handicap Shield and all three Divisional Trophy Competitions are cancelled and will be recorded as 'no winners' for this season.
In addition to the above, this season's Summer League has also been cancelled entirely.
The Committee members present tonight voted unanimously to take this course of action and I'm hoping that everyone understands the reasons why as things look like they are going to get much worse before they get any better.
In relation to the current league standings I think that no one can dispute that Worksop Miners Welfare would have won the Division One title, Clowne 'C' Division Two and Sparken Hill Falcons Division Three with the relevant relegation issues also pretty much done and dusted.
I will of course keep everyone up to date with any further league developments as and when they happen and can I add that regardless of any information in this news post, please follow the government advice on self isolation.


Coronavirus Update
After the Governments advice earlier this evening that everyone should avoid social contact with others and stop non essential travel, it was decided at tonight's Committee meeting that the League season for 2019/2020 shall finish with immediate effect.
There will be no suspension of the fixtures until later in the year and all the teams positions in the league tables shall stand as they are and be recorded in the League's history as such.
The second Finals Night that is scheduled for the 24th of March will be postponed and re-arranged for later in the year possibly in early September when things get back to normal.
The same will apply to the Masters Finals Night.
Our Presentation Night that is scheduled for May is also postponed until further notice and depending on further developments, may not go ahead at all.
Our AGM which is scheduled for May is also postponed and again a new date will be set for it in due course.
The outstanding Cup Competitions such as The Mike Tunningley Handicap Shield and all three Divisional Trophy Competitions are cancelled and will be recorded as 'no winners' for this season.
In addition to the above, this season's Summer League has also been cancelled entirely.
The Committee members present tonight voted unanimously to take this course of action and I'm hoping that everyone understands the reasons why as things look like they are going to get much worse before they get any better.
In relation to the current league standings I think that no one can dispute that Worksop Miners Welfare would have won the Division One title, Clowne 'C' Division Two and Sparken Hill Falcons Division Three with the relevant relegation issues also pretty much done and dusted.
I will of course keep everyone up to date with any further league developments as and when they happen and can I add that regardless of any information in this news post, please follow the government advice on self isolation.


This years Masters Competition will take place on Tuesday the 28th of April with a 7.00pm start.
The competition will feature 6 of the top players in the Worksop League and once again be held at Stanley Street Club.
Spectators are more than welcome and in fact, are encouraged to come along and support this event as the prize money is put up by our League sponsor DTH Engineering plus if the previous Masters events are anything to go by then you'll be in for a great night of watching some top quality table tennis.
We already know two of the six finalists in Richard Element and Ernest Mpundu as the two players that qualify for the final of the Open Singles automatically gain entry into the Masters.
The other four finalists will be announced after the league season has finished.